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Commuting and the Spatial Structure of American Cities

The dispersal of the great majority of workplaces away from CBDs, employment sub-centers, and live-work communities by Shlomo Angel and Alejandro M. Blei Abstract: Urban transport and land use policy are informed by our perceptions of the prevailing spatial structure of cities. This structure can be characterized by five models: The Maximum Disorder model, The Mosaic of [...]

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Commuting and the Productivity of American Cities

How self-adjusting commuting patterns sustain the productive advantage of larger metropolitan labor markets by Shlomo Angel and Alejandro M. Blei Abstract: The greatest productive advantage of modern-day American cities is that they form large and integrated metropolitan labor markets. We present new evidence on the importance of self-adjusting commuting and location patterns in sustaining the productive advantages [...]

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The Rise and Fall of Manhattan’s Densities (1800-2010)

by Shlomo Angel and Patrick Lamson-Hall Abstract: Using a novel methodology, we study the changes in the population densities of the built-up areas of Manhattan and its neighborhoods from 1800 to 2010. Built-up areas were determined from historical maps, insurance maps, and air photographs, while population data were collected for census wards from 1790 to 1910 and for [...]

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