On August 28 the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will publish Planet of Cities. This post is a modified excerpt from the sixteenth chapter — Urban Expansion and the Loss of Cultivated Lands. Urban expansion necessarily entails the loss of cultivated lands. How much cultivated land will be consumed by urban expansion and what are the policy [...]
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World Urban Forum 6
I recently attended the World Urban Forum 6 in Naples, Italy.
Making Generous Plans for Urban Expansion: Barcelona
The city council of Barcelona, Spain, organized a competition in 1859 for a plan to expand the city and selected the visionary plan submitted by Ildefons Cerdá as the winning entry (Soria y Puig 1999).
From Centrality to Dispersal in Buenos Aires
The eBook edition of Planet of Cities is now available. This is a modified excerpt from Chapter 12 — From Centrality to Dispersal. Between 1810 and 2010 Buenos Aires made a transformation typical of many global cities. It shifted from a walking city to a monocentric city to a polycentric city, driven primarily by changes in [...]
The Urban Expansion of London
Earlier this month at the World Urban Forum, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy announced the publication of Planet of Cities (now available for pre-order from the Lincoln Institute and Amazon). This post is a modified excerpt from the second chapter – The Inevitable Expansion Proposition. Honest and justifiable attempts to stop people from moving [...]
The Decongestion of Manhattan
On August 28 the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy will publish Planet of Cities. This post is a modified excerpt from the third chapter — The Sustainable Densities Proposition. Today, too small a share of the American population lives at urban densities that can sustain public transport. The country now produces an inordinate share of global CO2 [...]