Title: The Dynamics of Global Urban Expansion (2005) -unpublished
Article Information: Transport and Urban Development Department, The World Bank, Washington D.C.
Authors: Shlomo Angel, Stephen C. Sheppard and Daniel L. Civco, with Robert Buckley, Anna Chabaeva, Lucy Gitlin, Alison Kraley, Jason Parent, and Micah Perlin
Date: September, 2005
Overview: This study examined the dynamics of global urban expansion by defining a new universe of 3,943 cities with population in excess of 100,000 and drawing a stratified global sample of 120 cities from this universe. Population data and satellite images for two time periods⎯a decade apart⎯were obtained and analyzed, and several measures of urban extent and expansion⎯among them the built-up area of cities and the average density of the built-up area⎯were calculated. Data for 90 cities out of the global sample of 120 is presented and analyzed in this report.
Full Text (unpublished): The Dynamics of Global Urban Expansion (PDF)