Title: Two Complementary Approaches to Monitoring Target 11: “Improving the Lives of 100 Million Slum Dwellers by 2020″ – A Research Note (2004) -unpublished
Article Information: Submitted to the U.N. Human Settlements Programme and the World Bank
Authors: Shlomo Angel
Date: July, 2004
Overview: This research note proposes two complementary procedures that can supplement the present efforts of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat) in monitoring Target 11 of the Millennium Development Goals: “By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers.” The proposed procedures rely on two sources of data: (a) available national population censuses for the two latest census periods; and (b) new data—involving both remote–sensing data (e.g. air photographs), household surveys, and structured institutional surveys in a global sample of 120 cities.
Full Text (unpublished): Two Complementary Approaches to Monitoring Target 11 (PDF)