Title: Urban Expansion, Land Conversion, and Affordable Housing: The Case of Zhengzhou (2011) Article in: China’s Housing Reform and Outcomes Authors: Shlomo Angel, Midori Valdiva, and Rebecca M. Lutzy First published: 2011 Pages: 137-156 Overview: This volume provides background and explanations about the causes and consequences of China’s boom in residential construction, and it reviews how some well-established and ongoing [...]
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Urban Expansion, Land Conversion, and Affordable Housing (2011)
Housing Policy in Belize: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2010)
Title: Housing Policy in Belize: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2010) - unpublished Article Information: Prepared for the government of Belize and the World Bank Authors: Shlomo Angel, Stephen C. Sheppard and Daniel L. Civco, with Robert Buckley, Anna Chabaeva, Lucy Gitlin, Alison Kraley, Jason Parent, and Micah Perlin Date: January, 2010 Overview: This report is an assessment of the housing sector and [...]
Defining and Monitoring Target 11: A Policy Note (2004)
Title: Defining and Monitoring Target 11: A Policy Note (2004) -unpublished Article Information: Submitted to the U.N. Human Settlements Programme and the World Bank Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: September, 2004 Overview: This policy note examines the major thrusts of the draft report of Taskforce 8 of the Millennium Project, rewords Target 11, proposes that Target 11 be the core target [...]
Housing Policy in Uruguay: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2004)
Title: Housing Policy in Uruguay: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2004) -unpublished Article Information: Preparado para el Gobierno de Uruguay y El Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: March, 2004 Overview (en español): Este informe tiene como objetivo proveer al Gobierno de Uruguay y al Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) de una información sistemática sobre el sector [...]
Two Complementary Approaches to Monitoring Target 11 (2004)
Title: Two Complementary Approaches to Monitoring Target 11: “Improving the Lives of 100 Million Slum Dwellers by 2020″ – A Research Note (2004) -unpublished Article Information: Submitted to the U.N. Human Settlements Programme and the World Bank Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: July, 2004 Overview: This research note proposes two complementary procedures that can supplement the present efforts of [...]
A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Monitoring IDB-Assisted Housing Programs (2002)
Title: A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Monitoring IDB-Assisted Housing Programs (2002) - unpublished Article Information: Report to the Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C. Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: September, 2002 Overview: This document focuses on five areas: (1) a brief history of the Bank’s involvement in the housing sector; (2) the development objectives of housing sector loans; (3) the volume and structure [...]
Housing Policy in Honduras: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2002)
Title: Housing Policy in Honduras: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2002) -unpublished Article Information: Report to the Inter-American Development Bank and the Government of Honduras, Washington, D.C. Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: June, 2002 Overview: The four objectives of this report are: (1) To examine the context of the Honduran housing sector (Part I); (2) To assess the current conditions in [...]
The Housing Policy Assessment and Its Application to Panama (2001)
Title: The Housing Policy Assessment and Its Application to Panama (2001) Article in: Journal of Housing Economics, 10 Authors: Shlomo Angel First published: 2001 Pages: 176–209 Overview: This paper presents a diagnostic tool for the rapid assessment of the housing market and housing policy in a given country, using a global comparative perspective. The aim of such an assessment is to ground proposed [...]
Housing Policy in Argentina (2001)
Title: Housing Policy in Argentina: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2001) -unpublished Article Information: Report to the Inter-American Development Bank and the Government of Argentina, Washington, D.C. Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: July, 2001 Overview: The five specific objectives of this study are: (a) to examine the economic, social and demographic context of the housing sector; (b) to assess the [...]
Housing Policy in Ecuador (2000)
Title: Housing Policy in Ecuador: Diagnosis, Priorities and Proposed Programs (2000) -unpublished Article Information: Report to the Inter-American Development Bank and the Government of Ecuador, Washington, D.C. Authors: Shlomo Angel Date: May, 2000 Overview: This paper aims to provide a quick diagnosis of the housing sector and the status of housing policy in Ecuador, and to focus on a number of [...]