Title: Housing Policy in Belize: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (2010) - unpublished
Article Information: Prepared for the government of Belize and the World Bank
Authors: Shlomo Angel, Stephen C. Sheppard and Daniel L. Civco, with Robert Buckley, Anna Chabaeva, Lucy Gitlin, Alison Kraley, Jason Parent, and Micah Perlin
Date: January, 2010
Overview: This report is an assessment of the housing sector and the housing policy environment in Belize at the present time. Its practical and immediate goal is to provide a useful analysis of the housing sector in Belize focused on its parameters, potentials, and pitfalls, in order to assist the Government as well as the various stakeholders in the housing sector in moving together towards ensuring “access to quality and affordable housing by all” in the coming years.
Full Text (unpublished): Housing Policy in Belize: Diagnosis and Guidelines for Action (PDF)