Title: Urban Expansion, Land Conversion, and Affordable Housing: The Case of Zhengzhou (2012) Article in: Environment and Urbanization Authors: Shlomo Angel, Jason Parent, and Daniel L. Civco First published: 2012 Pages: 249-283 Overview: A key question that has confronted urban planners, policy makers and concerned environmentalists worldwide for some time is whether the fragmentation of the urban landscape is an [...]
Archive | Urban Spatial Structure RSS feed for this section
The Fragmentation of Urban Landscapes (2012)
The Decline in Transit-Sustaining Densities in U.S. Cities (2011)
Title: The Decline in Transit-Sustaining Densities in U.S. Cities, 1910–2000 (2011) Article in: Climate Change and Land Policies Authors: Shlomo Angel, A.M. Blei, J. Parent, and D.L. Civco First published: 2011 Pages: 191-210 Overview: A century of density decline in U.S. metropolitan areas has posed structural challenges to the provision of transit services. This article shows that both the share of [...]
Non-compactness and Voter Exchange (2011)
Title: Non-compactness and Voter Exchange: Towards a Constitutional Cure for Gerrymandering (2011) Article in: Northwestern Interdisciplinary Law Review 4 (1) Authors: Shlomo Angel, Jason Parent First published: 2011 Pages: 89-130 Overview: This essay proposes a novel compactness standard “for courts to identify at least the worst cases of gerrymandering and to provide a remedy.” This standard is based on the perception of [...]
Ten Compactness Properties of Circles (2010)
Title: Ten Compactness Properties of Circles: The Measurement of Shape in Geography Article in: Canadian Geographer 54 Authors: Shlomo Angel, Jason Parent, and Daniel L. Civco First published: 2010 Pages: 441-461 Overview: This essay sheds new light on the meaning and measurement of compactness—one of the most intriguing and least-understood properties of geographic shapes. We articulate a unified theoretical foundation for the study of shape compactness [...]
Mapping Urban Areas on a Global Scale (2009)
Title: Mapping Urban Areas on a Global Scale: Which of the Eight Maps Now Available Is More Accurate? (2009) Article in: International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(24) Authors: Shlomo Angel, David Potere, Annemarie Schneider, and Daniel L. Civco First published: December, 2009 Pages: 6531-6558 Overview: The goal of this research is to establish the accuracy of the coarse-resolution global urban maps by comparing them [...]
Bangkok Slum Lands (1989)
Title: Bangkok Slum Lands: Policy Implications of Recent Findings (1989) Article in: Cities Authors: Shlomo Angel, Sopon Pornchokchai First published: May, 1989 Pages: 136‑146 Overview: This pilot study of the size and growth of slum lands in Bangkok from 1974 to 1984 forms part of the general investigation by the Bangkok Land Management Study Team entitled The Land and Housing Markets of [...]
Urban Transport Expenditures (1972)
Title: Urban Transport Expenditures Article in: Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association; Vol. 29, Issue 1 Authors: Shlomo Angel, Geoffrey M Hyman First published: April 1972 Pages: 105-123 Overview: Expenditures on transport in urban areas have been the major explanatory variables in spatial economic theories of the city. Full Text: Urban Transport Expenditures (PDF)
Urban Spatial Interaction (1971)
Title: Urban Spatial Interaction Article in: Environment and Planning; Vol. 4, No.1 Authors: Shlomo Angel, Geoffrey M Hyman First published: November 1971 Pages: 99-118 Overview: This paper centers on the development of a geometrical representation of movement and spatial interaction in urban areas, as distinct from the network representation commonly used in modern studies. Full Text: Urban Spatial Interaction (PDF)
Urban Travel Time (1971)
Title: Urban Travel Time Article in: Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association; Vol.27 Authors: Shlomo Angel, Geoffrey M Hyman First published: January 1971 Pages: 85-99 Overview: The city is not an undifferentiated terrain and travel does not occur along straight-line paths at constant velocities. Variations in travel velocities at different locations bend the minimum time paths away from regions of high [...]
Urban Velocity Fields (1970)
Title: Urban Velocity Fields Article in: Environment and Planning; Vol. 2, No. 2 Authors: Shlomo Angel, Geoffrey M Hyman First published: 15 January, 1970 Pages: 211-224 Overview: The city is not an undifferentiated terrain and travel does not occur along straight-line paths at constant velocities. Variations in travel velocities at different locations bend the minimum time paths away from regions of high congestion. [...]